• Do you tend to watch TV like you live other aspects of life; binge watching an entire Netflix series in one sitting, not able to wait to find out the end of the story (afraid that if you don't watch it right now someone will spoil it by telling you what happens)?
• Wouldn’t it be great to be able to mute the sound of negative friends and family or your inner critic?
• Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could simply turn the channel over if you keep replaying horror movies in your mind rather than the romantic comedies you want to watch...or better still switch the TV off altogether?
During Covid we have all got so used to Zoom meetings (although I may never get used to seeing myself on the screen!). Inevitably, someone is on mute and another has difficulty getting into the meeting because of broadband difficulties.
The latter happened me recently at an airport. I needed to be in an urgent meeting but could not access the WiFi at the airport. I got stressed trying and not getting into the meeting, messaging others to tell them I would not make it.
Eventually I had to accept that I was not destined to make the meeting. And guess what? They managed perfectly well without me!
I have just returned home from California, which was a big tick on my bucket list. It was my 17th wedding anniversary on 19th July and was also 23 years since our first date. It was meant to be a fortnight of bliss, relaxation and fun (spoiler alert – it was, eventually!)
In the run up to the holiday I was extremely busy in work. I also did workshops for my coaching business, a friend passed away with cancer, and I caught Covid.
I had no time to plan my road trip and had to accept that as long as the flight took-off with me on it, I would work it out when I got there and would also find time to read, blog, run, and relax!!!
In the first few days that did not happen. Between planning the next meal out, next experience and reading up on the next town, I found that I had replaced the busyness of work with the busyness of planning and doing a road trip. There was no time to unwind, especially with jet lag!
I could really have done with a remote control to pause for a moment as I realised that I was ‘mind full’ as opposed to being mindful.
Then, while on a whale watching trip in Monterey, I was seasick for the first time ever. While I was locked in the toilet, I missed the whales, sea lions and sea otters and spent the three-hour voyage feeling lousy. But, it gave me time to pause my thinking and ensure that I got the most out of the rest of the holiday.
And now, in the blink of an eye,I ’m back to work. And guess what? The place didn’t close down while I was away, my team managed perfectly well without me and I feel much better having had some time out to pause, reflect and enjoy life in the moment.
There is no point rewinding to the past, you cannot change it and there is nothing more boring than watching endless repeats. There is no point being so focused on working out whodunnit that you miss vital clues or fast forward to the end to get the big reveal and miss the best bits.
It is much better to go with the flow, yes there may be some big waves and a few rocks to navigate but the view is pretty amazing along the way. You might end up going down a different route altogether...we ended up going to see a magician...it was very random, spontaneous and brilliant (and yes, I was invited to do a Debbie Magee routine on stage)!
Do you ever wish you had a remote control for your life?
If any of this resonates with you then ask yourself:
• What story are you telling yourself?
• Are you the leading actor in your story, or simply an extra (or worse still merely a viewer)?
• Is it a fairy tale, a romantic comedy, or a horror story?
• What is stopping you from taking action? Are you scared of what people will say or think?
Then take action now to:
• Take control of the script - you are the author your own life story!
• Pause, mute the negative voices (especially your own inner critic and people pleaser!), move on to a different scene in the story or change the channel to a higher frequency.
• Who says you can’t? Are they paying your mortgage? Would they give you a kidney if you needed one? If not, then why let them have so much power over you?
Lastly, record your life by taking lots and lots of photographs and videos. And, keep them handy or post them on social media, so that you can replay the memories when, finally, you are no longer able to be as active as you can be now.